Japanese Father Snow


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For most Japanese who observe Christmas, which is only about one percent of the population, it is a purely secular holiday devoted to the love of their children and the giving of gifts. Nevertheless, stores and homes are usually decorated with evergreens during the season. Christmas originally in Japan was introduced by the Christian missionaries and is now an annual fiesta of blending the spiritual fervor with enthusiasm and fun. The ancient Japanese priest’ Hoteiosho’ makes for an excellent, Santa Claus figure. ‘Hoteiosho’ is portrayed as a kind old man with a huge sack on his back. In Japan Christmas trees are decorated with small toys, dolls, paper ornaments, gold paper fans, lanterns and wind chimes. Miniature candles are placed amoung the branches and one of the most popular ornaments is the origami crane. Japanese children have exchanges with thousands of these folded-paper “Bird of Peace” with young people all over the world as a pledge that war must never happen again.

Collection: Artist’s Choice
Item #: 13990 Height: 11.5 inches
Made of cold cast resin
Edition Limit:1 Year, Numbered
Introduced in: 2008